Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Summer Storm, Australia

 This summer in Victoria-an Australian state where island called Tasmania near touches a continent on small scale big geographic maps- so far looks much cooler than usual. Actually, since 2005 this picture of cooling-down warmest season has been repeated-a far cry from the heat of the nineties famous for apocalyptic visions of predicting the zero-reserve water reservoirs with all technical-economics consequences for “saving Australia” institutions involved. Skies surely do not know of advance carbon tax/price on carbon introduced locally might bring about to save a human world globally.   Well, life is going on pretending not so much happens in the air. 

Cold mornings have been followed by sun-radiated afternoons as a “no news is good news” seems to be a first victim of whatever oncoming inevitably.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting-brief and consistent article with rich links.
